The study of the methods and principles of sound reasoning. The study of logic focuses on whether the process, by which the conclusion is derived from a set of initial assumptions (premises), is correct. It is not concerned with examining or determining the truth of the premises. Given true premises, the conclusion must be true if the process to derive the conclusion is correct. Here is an example:

symbol spacePremise: A dictionary is a reference title.
symbol spacePremise: Math Dictionary is a dictionary.
symbol spaceConclusion: Hence, Math Dictionary is a reference title.

Here is another example:

symbol spacePremise: All reference titles are English dictionaries.
symbol spacePremise: Math Dictionary is a reference title.
symbol spaceConclusion: Hence, Math Dictionary is an English dictionary.

As shown, the conclusion may not be correct if at least one of the premises (the first one in the second case) is wrong.

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